Breastmilk will keep the relationship between you and your baby close when you can’t be with your baby. Seek the understanding of your family, employer, and child-care worker so that you can balance a career and raise your child.
We’ve created a guide to breastfeeding to prepare you of what’s to come and build your confidence in conquering this!
You can read the full guide here: PIGEON_Breastfeeding Guide
Tips to continue your breastfeeding routine after returning to work
TIP 1:
Breastfeed directly before and after work and whenever you and your baby are together.
TIP 2:
Dress in clothes that enable you to breastfeed or express milk easily.
TIP 3:
You may wish to consider preparing a breast pump to assist in expressing at the office.
TIP 4:
It's best to freeze the breast milk that you express during the day, and have it thawed and given to baby at the nursery center.
TIP 5:
You should plan to express at times similar to your baby's breastfeeding timings. You may also express in between sessions to relieve any breast engorgement or to stimulate milk production for increased milk supply.
TIP 6:
Make use of facilities such as nursing rooms, which enable mothers to express breast milk.
TIP 7:
It's a good idea to bring something that will relax you such as your baby's photo to look at while expressing breast milk at your workplace. Sometimes moms like to multi-task and work while they're pumping. We don't recommend that cause stress level affects breastmilk production but of course if you have a deadline to meet, then it's up to you to manage your own time. :)
TIP 8:
You may inform the staff of the childcare centre (or whoever the caregiver is), not to feed baby too full nearer the time for you to fetch your baby.
TIP 9:
Breastfeed frequently at night and on weekends.