Meet Howapipi!

Introduction of Pigeon Brand Official Character “Howapipi”

The Pigeon brand official character “Howapipi” has started full-scale activities from August 2021.

“Howapipi” is the official character of the Pigeon brand that was born from the “Pigeon frontier Awards (hereafter, PFA)”, the Pigeon Group’s employee proposal system.

PFA is a system based on the concept of “supporting and awarding challenges for the future without fear of failure”, where employees propose various plans and develop them into commercialization in the future.

“Howapipi” is one of the projects that won awards in 2020, the first year of PFA.

“Howapipi” utilizes the world view of this character and aims to enhance communication with stakeholders, including babies and families, about the Pigeon brand, initiatives, and our thoughts. We are also active in events at our facilities.

Please look forward to the future activities of the curious Howapipi-chan.



  • Name: Howapipi
  • Gender: None
  • Age: 2 human years
  • Type of Creature: Mysterious aerial creature
  • Personality:
    • Calm and curious, still learning about the outside world
    • Communicates with flowers, animals, and sometimes human babies with some mistakes
    • Hardworking, but tires easily and take naps after helping with daily childcare
    • Love napping and sleeping